How to shop with us
Find what you are looking for
- Use the menu tabs to help find the product your looking for.
- The drop down menu with sub-categories will give you options for other products
- Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Why not get in touch with us.
Add to basket and Purchasing
- Once you have found what you are looking for add the product to the basket.
- At this stage you are able to continue shopping or simply pay for your item.
- We aim to package all our products in our own branded packaging but this will vary depending upon the order volumes we may receive.
- We accept a variety of credit and debit cards [visa, maestro, switch and MasterCard]. Our payment process is completely secure and is endorsed by VeriSign.
- We also accept payment using PayPal as well as a mobile format called Express Checkout Short Cut. Terms and Conditions.
Accepted currencies
- Euros
- Pound sterling
- This website is only for delivery of products in mainland UK and Northern Island addresses.
- We do not offer international deliveries.
- We will aim to dispatch each purchase on the day of purchase or next working day. We will notify you via email once your product has been dispatched.
- Delivery charges may vary depending on the size and weight of the purchase.
- There may be circumstances where the delivery period may be delayed and outside of seller’s control. We will do all we can to make sure that your purchase arrives as quickly as possible.
Questions about your order
- If you have any questions regarding your recent purchase contact us.
Returns and refunds
- We will refund any purchases within 30 days of receipt
- See our Returns Policy – link
- All returns must be unused and the original packaging, if practically possible. Please obtain proof of posting before returning to us.
- For all other questions – contact us.